Earn exclusive

Enroll in our loyalty rewards program for just $10*. Unlock free shipping on any purchase, exclusive rewards, discounts, and more


*Our terms and conditions have changed. View terms & conditions of the AVEDA PLUS REWARDS program, or see our FAQs
*Complete enrollment during checkout.

How it works

The rewards program that gives you more of what you love.

Aveda Loyalty members earn exclusive rewards

Earn exclusive

The more you spend, the more you earn! Redeem points for 7 levels of exclusive rewards, including free products and salon services.

Complete enrollment during checkout

How to earn points

Beautiful benefits are waiting. Earn points when
buying products online, in stores and in
participating salons. The more you spend,
the more rewards you'll enjoy.

Put your rewards at
your fingertips and
access your account,
check your point
balance and more.

Get rewarded

Visit a participating Aveda Plus rewards store or salon and earn points with every Aveda product purchase. 


Frequently asked questions